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Globally famous for Rail Computer For Intelligent Transportation Touch Panel PC, STS-TX2-CAM AI Computer, Fanless Industrial Embedded PC, Industrial Grade Managed Switch, Marine Grade Ethernet Switch Dnv, and more.

To cater to the growing demand for Rail Computer For Intelligent Transportation Touch Panel PC, STS-TX2-CAM AI Computer, Fanless Industrial Embedded PC, Industrial Grade Managed Switch, Marine Grade Ethernet Switch Dnv, and more, our company, Sundar Techno Solutions, was founded. We are known in the industry as one of the most trustworthy manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of these items. Made from the best quality and thoroughly tested raw materials, our products are highly durable, efficient, and easy to use. Moreover, we provide them to our clients at competitive market prices.

Our team of expert professionals is highly diligent and has years of industry experience. These people are allocated to different teams based on their experience and expertise. These people keep themselves updated with the latest technology and market developments so that we can provide our clients with only the best. Furthermore, our customer service team ensures that our clients have the best possible experience when working with us. All your queries are effectively solved by our team, and we offer after-sale services to our customers as well.

Our Infrastructure

Our company infrastructure is robustly constructed on a large acre of land in the silicon valley of India, according to our requirements. We are well equipped with the latest tools and technology, which are needed for the manufacturing and testing of our products. Our technologically advanced machines help us increase our productivity and efficiency. We have well-functioning elevators to help us move between floors and complete each project in a systematic manner. We are capable of doing various tests in our own facility, and our strong logistical and delivery network system helps us deliver these products overnight to all over the country.

Why Choose Us?

We are known all over the world for our technologically advanced products such as Marine Grade Ethernet Switch Dnv, Rail Computer For Intelligent Transportation Touch Panel PC, STS-TX2-CAM AI Computer, Fanless Industrial Embedded PC, Industrial Grade Managed Switch, and more. Our products go through a series of quality assurance tests to ensure their high efficacy and functionality. In addition, we have listed a few other reasons why you should choose us below:

  • We ensure prompt delivery of all our orders.
  • Our ethical business policies have helped us gain the trust of our clients.
  • We maintain transparency in all our business dealings.
  • We have a huge distribution network and have clients from all over the world.
  • We offer our clients after-sales technical support.
  • Our flexible methods of accepting payments make us accessible to a large number of customers.